
Because Our Planet Is Blue: Human Action vs. Pristine Ocean

September 26, 2024

All life on Earth depends on the Ocean’s balance and well-being. Yet, human activities are relentlessly threatening, degrading, and destroying our beautiful Blue Planet. OceanCare has developed a powerful symbolic action to demonstrate the harm being inflicted on our oceans. With this action, we want to demonstrate the tangible ways human actions are harming the Ocean’s beauty and biodiversity.

A healthy, resilient ocean is essential for a sustainable future. Yet, human activities are relentlessly threatening, degrading, and destroying our beautiful Blue Planet. Healthy and resilient oceans are essential for a livable future. However, the ongoing harm of the seas gives rise to grave concern. The ocean needs our help, now more than ever. This is why OceanCare has launched the international campaign Because Our Planet Is Blue.

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More Information

It’s time to shift from harming our planet to taking care of it

With the help of the creative agency Springer & Jacoby, OceanCare has developed a campaign that communicates these complex issues in a simple, compelling way. Central to this campaign is a special book that celebrates the wonders of the seas while creatively highlighting the negative impacts of human actions. This book is designed to inspire and raise awareness, as well as gain support for our petition to demand change. 

Importantly, we will provide this book to political leaders and decision-makers to showcase the current state of our oceans and the urgent need for action. 

How can you help?

We encourage you to take action on this critical issue by supporting our petition. This book underlines the urgency of the situation and inspires you to join our cause. By signing our petition, you can advocate for stronger ocean protection and make your voice heard.